Museum and galleries focus on the preservation and exhibition of creative work or cultural items. Beyond traditional curator roles, museums and galleries often need professionals to design exhibitions, manage institution budgets, build up a network of contacts and clients, and work in documenting, digitizing and managing collections. While the people, in the conservation and restoration side of museum and gallery careers, work behind the scenes, some roles, such as education officers and communication managers, interact with the visitors and act as guides for members of the public. Many of these roles require creativity, enthusiasm, and the ability to work with others on a variety of projects, as well as the content knowledge to speak intelligently about the work on display.
Job Types
Art Dealer
Grant Coordinators and Writers
Historic Preservationists
Museum Directors and Curators
Museum Technicians
Tour Guides
Specialized Job Boards & Networks
On-Grounds Involvement
Resumes and Cover Letters
Your professional resume should address skills needed in your desired field and special accomplishments or results-oriented tasks you performed in previous work.
When it comes to choosing a format, some arts or media organizations may be more tolerant of design-heavy resumes that use color, graphics, or otherwise veer from the traditional one-page resume. Keep in mind that hiring managers are more interested in quality content (what have you done?) than visual appeal. In fact, some employers view non-traditional resumes as a tool for masking a lack of experience. Don't let this be you! Use work samples and your online portfolio to show your design skills so you can keep your resume content-focused.