The Career Center has helped me realize that I do not need to know exactly what I want to do right now and that career pathways are not always linear.
- Brianna, 4th Year Sociology major, Social Entrepreneurship & African American Studies minor
Drop-In Advising

Drop-In Advising

Check out the schedule and locations for drop-in advising

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an Appointment

Make an appointment to meet with a career advisor

24/7 Resume Feedback

24/7 Resume Feedback

Upload your resume into VMock to get started

Explore Career Paths

Explore Career Paths

Take an assessment and gain insight into potential careers

Virginia Alumni Mentoring

Connect with UVA Alumni Today

Virginia Alumni Mentoring connects UVA students with alumni mentors

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Learn about the UVA Career Center's commitment to supporting career development for all UVA Students

student engagement with the Career Center within the past 3 years
Employers on Grounds
organizations engaged UVA students in academic year 2021-2022
in career placement in the United States as ranked by Princeton Review

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