With a 45-year history at the University of Virginia (UVA), the Internship Placement Program (IPP) connects undergraduate students with customized professional internships. The supervised internship is completed over 10 hours per week in the Semester (14 weeks) and Academic Year Sessions (28 weeks) and 20 hours per week in the Summer Session (8 weeks). Students participate in an academic seminar while enrolled in the program. This 1 credit academic seminar focuses on organizational development, team dynamics, professional skills, and career management. Paired together the seminar and the internship aim to support a tailored experiential learning opportunity for students as they explore their career goals, interests, values, and talents. Program oversight from the UVA Career Center and IPP faculty instructors ensures the quality of the internship experience while a dedicated network of professionals who serve as internship supervisors provide students with invaluable mentoring, skill building, and professional development.
The UVA Internship Placement Program begins with intern recruitment, selection, and preliminary matching to ensure partners receive the best possible intern for consideration. The program provides professional development, such as a mandatory Intern Orientation and Professional Skills Workshop, and ongoing support to ensure interns are prepared and successful contributors and learners in your organization. Internship supervisors collaborate in this learning process by completing performance evaluations to assess intern professional development, learning outcomes, and quality of experience. Internship sites are pre-qualified to meet UVA standards and guidelines established for internships by the Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Summer and academic semester internship options
- Assistance with developing your internship description and learning objectives
- Intern recruitment and pre-screening prior to internship placement
- Required Intern Orientation for all interns prior to starting their internship
- Supplemental 1 credit academic seminar completed by all interns
- Ongoing program management and support from IPP team
Contact [email protected] to connect with a team member about your internship opportunities.
Private, public, non-profit, start-up, and community organizations across a diverse range of industries are represented in the Internship Placement Program. Organizations must meet the following criteria to participate:
- Ability to participate in Summer Session (20 hours/week for 8 weeks) or Semester Sessions (10 hours/week for 14 weeks per semester)
- For in-person internships, offer interns a professional work space that is not a home business location
- Consist of a staff of at least three members (start-up founders are encouraged to apply if all other criteria can be met)
- Appoint a supervisor to support the internship experience and fulfill program requirements
- Develop an internship learning plan with intern at the beginning of the internship
- Complete the IPP performance evaluation process
- Adhere to internship guidelines and requirements as dictated by the Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act
- Participate in Supervisor Orientation prior to the start of your first internship session
Internship Placement Program News

Upcoming Intern Recruitment
The UVA Internship Placement Program (IPP) hosts three internship sessions throughout the year: Summer, Fall, and Spring. Interns complete 20 hours per week during the Summer and 10 hours per week during the Fall and Spring. Here are the upcoming session and recruitment dates.
Summer 2025
Session Dates: June 2nd - July 25th
Session Duration: 8 weeks
Hours: 20 per week
Meet The Internship Placement Program Team