IPP - Employer Facing

The UVA Internship Placement Program provides students with an invaluable experiential learning opportunity to advance their career development through professional practice internships.

Participation Guidelines

The UVA Internship Placement Program supports students and internship sites by providing the following:

  • A mandatory intern orientation. 
  • Screening of student eligibility for program participation.
  • Guidelines, policies, and standards of conduct for participation.
  • Designated  staff to manage program operations and monitor student progress, intern evaluation, and any issues or questions that arise during the internship session.
  • Communication and programming with internship partners to clarify program policies and procedures, share internship best practices, and resources.
  • Academic credit option for organizations that require credit.


Internship sites offer quality internship experiences by providing the following:

  • Encouragement and support for the learning aspect of the student's internship.
  • A designated supervisor/mentor to orient the student to the organization and its culture, assist in the development of learning objectives, confer regularly with the student and program staff in monitoring internship progress.
  • Completion of UVA Internship Placement Program internship evaluation process.
  • Assignment of duties to the student that are career related, progressive and challenging and provide support and supervision.
  • Availability of equipment, supplies, and space necessary for the student to perform his/her duties.
  • A safe working environment and professional development.
  • Notification to the UVA Internship Placement Program of any changes in the student's work status, schedule, or performance.
  • Communication of your organization’s intern policies and standards to the student and UVA Internship Placement Program team.
  • Maintaining general liability, professional liability and worker’s compensation insurance as required by law.


Student interns are expected to:

  • Complete the mandatory intern orientation prior to session start date.
  • Uphold professional conduct, policies, and procedures established by the UVA Internship Placement Program.
  • Adhere to HR policies set forth by the partnering internship organization.
  • Exhibit professionalism and approach the internship as a learning opportunity.
  • Connect regularly with appointed site supervisor.
  • Communicate in a timely fashion any internship changes to the UVA Internship Placement Program team.
  • Maintain and complete 10 hours weekly during the Fall and Spring Sessions and 20 hours weekly during the Summer Session.
  • Completion of required internship reflection course.

Termination Policy

The UVA Internship Placement Program requires students to commit to 20 hours/week (Summer Session) and 10 hours/week (Academic Year/Semester) as well as completion of an internship reflection course for each session of their internship. Students who fail to complete their entire program commitment will be removed from the program and cannot note any portion of their experience on their resume, future applications, or reference letters. 

The UVA Internship Placement Program may remove from its program any student for not complying with program guidelines and procedures, or an organization if it ceases to meet the program’s criteria listed above.