
Making a Major Pivot: Tips and Resources for Picking Your Major

Picking a field of study is an important and exciting part of your journey as a college student! But what do you do when there are too many options to choose from? What if you apply to your dream major and don’t get accepted? What if the major you thought you wanted doesn’t feel like a fit anymore? 

Most college students change and refine their plans for a major and that is ok! No matter what stage you are at in picking your major, this is a normal part of your college experience and the Career Center is here to help. 

Here are some tips and resources to help you navigate this process:  

Explore Your Options 
  • Review the list of majors at UVA and read about ones that catch your eye. Visit the program’s websites to learn more about required coursework and tracks within a major. 

  • What Can I Do with this Major? Follow the link on the Exploration Resources page in Handshake for free access to this website that outlines possible career paths & strategies for over 100 majors.  

  • Consider complimenting your major with a minor or concentration to learn about multiple fields of interest. 

Talk to People who Can Help 
  • Schedule a Major/Career Exploration appointment on Handshake or visit drop-ins (no appointment needed) to talk to a career counselor about your interests and goals. 

  • Use Virginia Alumni Mentoring to talk to alumni about picking a major. Ask questions like: 

    • “How did you pick your major?” 

    • “What did you like and not like about the major you chose?” 

    • “What majors would prepare someone to work in your field/at your company?” 

    • “Is there anything you wish you had done differently when picking your major?” 

  • Reach out to Directors of Undergraduate Programs (DUP) in the College of Arts & Sciences. These faculty members can answer your questions about declaring the major, opportunities in the department, and more. 

  • Feeling overwhelmed or stressed about these choices? WahooWell offers free, confidential meetings to UVA students to help you navigate life transitions and improve your overall well-being.  

Consider Your Career Interests 

Your major does not always = your career. For example, not all psychology majors become psychologists and countless people work in the business field who did not major in business. However, there might be common themes between a major you enjoy and a career you enjoy, and some jobs require technical skills that you can learn through your major. Use these resources to explore the world of work: 

  • Take PathwayU to learn more about your values, interests, & personality and explore career paths that could be a good fit.  

  • Check out Career Communities at the Career Center to learn about opportunities in various industries.  

Get Involved 

Academics are one of many opportunities for learning and personal growth during your time at UVA. Complement your academic studies by gaining professional experience through student leadership, part-time jobs, research, internships, and/or volunteering.  

If you need help with any of these steps, talk to a career counselor! Stop by drop-ins in Clemons Library Monday-Thursday from 1:30-4:30pm, or schedule an appointment on Handshake