Have a career in mind? We want to help you get there! Utilize these resources to begin preparing for the career of your choice.

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Showcase your skills and experience by building your resume and cover letter
briefcase and grad cap on orange background
Find internship opportunities in your field of interest
side profile with gear on orange background
Online Skill Development
Expand your skillset and round out your resume with online courses and learning
Remember that every interaction is a chance to network.
ID tag on orange background
Engage in short-term, professional projects
Virginia Alumni Mentoring
Ask questions, find mentors, and explore employer culture by connecting with UVA alumni
Marketing Yourself
Perfect your personal statement and practice an elevator pitch
briefcase with location pin on orange background
On-Grounds Jobs
Find an On-Grounds job and details about the Federal Work Study program
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Prepare your resume using the latest AI feedback
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Online Presence
Establish your professional profiles on LinkedIn and Handshake
pen with lightbulb on orange background
Project-Based Learning
Participate in a project for a local employer with an integrated classroom experience
Register for career events, find an internship or schedule an appointment with the Career Center