Red Icon, reads "Pre-Health"



Pharmacists (PharmD) serve as the healthcare team medication experts who counsel patients on their medication use, monitor patient health and progress, and provide recommendations for optimal medication regimens to prescribers. They require a broad knowledge of the manufacture and distribution of drugs; their composition, uses, strengths, doses, side effects, interactions and potential harmful qualities.

Clinical Involvement

Clinical involvement is a crucial part of the pre-health journey, as it will help you to explore and confirm your interest in the profession and demonstrate a commitment to serving others. While there is not a required number of clinical hours for the pharmacy school application, you should plan to spend a significant amount of time outside of class gaining experience in clinical and pharmacy settings to strengthen your application. 

Check out all of the opportunities at UVA and around Charlottesville here!

Application Process

Below is a list of action steps to plan for when you are applying to medical school. This is a simplified version of a multifaceted process, so we recommend meeting with a Pre-Health Advisor at least once per year to make sure you are on the right track. 

For a full guide and details on each step in applying to pharmacy school, read the Pre-Health Application Guide.  

Application System

Create an account for the system that you plan to use for your applications

  • PharmCAS: Pharmacy College Application Service
Entrance Exam

Take the PCAT by early January prior to the application cycle beginning in July

Selecting Schools

It is important to select schools that are not only a good fit for your academically, but also a good fit for your values, skills, and interests that will help you become the professional you want to be. Take time to research programs prior to the application process. Here are some factors you should consider:

  • Admission Requirements
  • Institutional mission, goals, and values
  • Size of cohort
  • Location
  • Your professional interests as it aligns with the school’s mission and training
Letters of Recommendation

Confirm your letter writers at least 3 months before you plan to apply. You should determine specific letter requirements and quantities from your programs of choice. Letters are most commonly required from at least one of the following categories:

  • 2 Science Faculty 
  • 1 Non-Science Faculty
  • Faculty Advisor
  • Employer
  • Research Mentor
  • Healthcare Provider
  • Volunteer Supervisor
  • Pharmacist

The entire application process lasts approximately 12-14 months, which spans a full academic year. Whether you plan to apply immediately after your 3rd year, 4th year, or after graduation, this timeline begins with preparation in the fall prior to your application submission in late summer.

Personal Statement

This is a distinctive part of your application that takes time and reflection. Consider the following questions to begin:

  • Why do you want to become a pharmacist? Why is this the profession you have chosen instead of another?
  • Think back to your experiences volunteering, shadowing, researching, studying abroad. Can you provide a specific story that deeply impacted you and your decision to become a pharmacist?
  • What do you want the committee to know about you as a person or future colleague? What makes you a good fit for the profession?

Academic Pre-Requisites

Pre-requisite course requirements vary widely by individual school. You should determine specific requirements for programs of choice using the:

The summary below is a list of the most common pre-pharmacy requirements.



Required for Schools

English / Writing Composition

2 courses


Introductory Biology

2 lectures, 2 labs


General Chemistry

2 lectures, 2 labs


Organic Chemistry

2 lectures, 2 labs



1 course



1 course


General Physics

1 lecture, 1 lab


Anatomy and Physiology

2 courses, some require labs 



1 course



1 course


Cell Biology

1 course



1 course



1 course


Public Speaking

1 course


Micro / Macroeconomics

1 - 2 courses


Humanities and Social Sciences 



Dependent upon your academic home at UVA (College or School), specific course options to fulfill these requirements vary.